
Too Pretty for Plain Coffee Book Release Party

Saturday May 3rd from 5pm-8pm

at Goldspot Brewing Company

Come hang out with me and listen to some poetry, perhaps share some poetry during the open mic portion of the evening.

We have some incredible feature poets that will be performing including Marissa Forbes, Cat Jensen, and Nic Morrison. There will be beer and N/A options available. I will have copies of my book for you to buy, and I will be signing books!

There will most definitely be lots of pink! Please come out and support me and get your hands on a copy of my first full-length poetry book!

Queer Poetry Open Mic

Come hang out with me and listen to some poetry, perhaps share some poetry during the open mic portion of the evening.

We have some incredible feature poets that will be performing including Marissa Forbes, Cat Jensen, and Nic Morrison. There will be beer and N/A options available. I will have copies of my book for you to buy, and I will be signing books!

There will most definitely be lots of pink! Please come out and support me and get your hands on a copy of my first full-length poetry book!

“Tyler Hurula’s Too Pretty for Plain Coffee is a ricocheting testament to radical self-love in a world insistent on diminishing the vibrancy of individual souls. Hurula’s poems become a glittery rally cry to celebrate the messy, beautiful, and untamed aspects of life that defy the neat boxes society wants us to fit into. They weave together themes of heartbreak and joy, exploring the pain of trying to conform to molds that never quite fit—whether it’s surviving a disastrous date with a cannibalistic lover or falling head over heels for a sandpaper magician whose touch both soothes and scrapes. “I personified my too much in a poem to separate myself from the reason people have left me,” Hurula confides early on, creating a tender yet defiant acknowledgment of what it feels like to be too intense, too queer, too different for a world that often demands simplicity.”

-Bree Bailey