Too Pretty for Plain Coffee

Too Pretty for Plain Coffee is my first full-length poetry collection. It explores the idea of being “too much” and what that means that means in the context of relationships, queerness, polyamory, and the way we see ourselves and our place in the world. Pre-order HERE.

Advance Praise:

Too Pretty for Plain Coffee is Tyler Hurula's brazen and savagely lyrical disquisition on just who the fuck they are. These are the poems of a hopelessly romantic badass, a boisterous beauty who offers up not a single apology for twisting the dusty outmoded rules of love to their liking. This is the long-awaited answer to the fever that eventually comes for us all.

—-Patricia Smith, author of Blood Dazzler

Tyler Hurula makes an entrance with the juiciest collection of love poems, lust poems, break-up poems, and yes, even revenge poems. Hurula’s work is whip-smart, playful, and fucking funny. Who else could write from the perspective of an Anniversary card, My Period, and Final Girl:

Polyamory has been blood-stained villain by the people eagerly awaiting / each sequel…/ Voyeurs gaze, call her entertainment, call her confused, saying I’d never choose / to be in your shoes, and she stays vigilant, thrust into this violent loop / Hurula’s full-length collection offers glimmers of deep healing and self-love, celebrations of being Too Much, and a reminder that we have the power to rewrite our own narratives in any way we desire.

Sage Herrin, author of Anti/Muse, and EIC of Beyond the Veil Press

"Tyler Hurula might be 'the world’s most tender magician,' weaving a poetic spell that compels you to fall in love, in heartbreak, or the in-between of almost. Too Pretty for Plain Coffee is a romantic stream of beautiful punches that bruise and balm. Its passion winds and unravels, simmers and swells, recoils and strikes gorgeous. What I am most enchanted by in this collection is its simultaneous devotion to the familiar and to 'sudden and infinite newness.' A fresh and energizing debut!"

—Junious Ward, author of Composition

"Too Pretty for Plain Coffee grabs you by the hand and insists that it’s time to feel. This collection is a long walk on a first date with the heart of identity. Tyler challenges traditional romance with playfulness, with fury, with soft affection after drinking a bottle of wine and flirting with the truth all evening.

—Cecily Stone, author of These Chasms in the Earth

Love Me Louder

Love Me Louder

Tyler Hurula’s debut chapbook, Love Me Louder, published by Querenica Press focuses on family dynamics and growing up with an abusive parent, the impacts of being born into an oppressive religion, and discovering love through their queer identity.

Buy Love Me Louder

Praise for Love Me Louder

“Tyler Hurula’s chapbook, Love Me Louder, cuts a path through a thicket of pain and leaves poetic breadcrumbs for others to find their way home, which is to say, back to themselves. The very existence of this chapbook breaks one family’s cycle of violence. In these pages there is an essence of being fed-up, though the grief and rage is rendered in velveteen language. The book’s title, Love Me Louder” is a perfect encapsulation of its contents—-whether it’s a religion, a family member, or a cultural norm—-we must use the word “love” to describe unloving things. The writing is as brave as the author.”

—-Megan Falley, Author of Drive Here and Devastate Me (Write Bloody Publishing, 2018)