Tyler Hurula (she/they) is a poet and explorer based in Denver, Colorado. She started writing poetry at the beginning of the pandemic because she decided she needed a hobby and saw Megan Falley’s workshop “Poems That Don’t Suck” and decided to give it a try. They have since fallen in love with poetry and strive to build and grow a poetry community in the Denver Metro area. She strives to be the most queer and polyamorous person they can be and much of her poetry reflects these themes.
Their first full-length poetry collection is forthcoming through Wayfarer Books forthcoming in April 2025. They have a poetry chapbook published with Querencia Press titled Love Me Louder and have multiple poems published in Gnashing Teeth Publishing, Fiery Scribe Review, South Broadway Press, Last Leaves Magazine, and more. Her poems have been nominated for the 2023 Best of the Net award, and the 2023 Pushcart Prize.
They host a monthly queer poetry open mic night, and facilitate poetry writing workshops.